
Life Matters Program
At LifePlan we care about you! We offer pregnancy, parenting and relationship support through one-on-one consultations with volunteers who truly care about you and want to help you grow as a parent and partner.

Men's Mentoring
LifePlan has a great team of men that are hoping to come alongside men in the community who need some support.

STI Testing
If you are sexually active, getting tested regularly should be part of your sexual health and overall health. We offer STI testing and treatment at our Niles location.

Pregnancy Tests & Ultrasounds
Pregnancy Tests and Ultrasounds are offered at both our Centers at no cost to you. No appointment is necessary for a Pregnancy Test; please call to schedule an appointment for an Ultrasound.

Group Classes
Everything we do at LifePlan is designed with you in mind. We offer classes for men, women and families, and Baby & Me classes for you and your baby to attend together.

We are here for you! We offer material support such as diapers, wipes, formula, baby clothing and other items. We also have post abortive services and adoption support.

Student Outreach
We care about students and want to help educate and empower them to make the best choices for their future and their health. We offer several resources for students including workshops, project based learning activities, and small groups.
More Information about what we Offer…
Limited Medical Services
LifePlan has a qualified volunteer medical staff that is available for ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and consultations. Below you will find some initial information on the medical services that our center provides.
Pregnancy Tests
LifePlan offers free pregnancy tests to confirm your pregnancy. We understand that a suspected and unplanned pregnancy can be frightening, and we desire to offer support during this uncertain time. Detecting a pregnancy early on can help you plan the next steps for you and your baby. Our staff offers confidential support and encouragement and can help you plan the next steps. Walk-ins are welcome for pregnancy tests!
Sexually Transmitted Infections Testing & Treatment
We offer free testing and treatment for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia and a screening for HIV. The Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing is a urine screen, while the HIV screening is a fingerstick. The testing process requires two different appointments — one for the test and one for the results and treatment (if applicable). Call us at 269-684-6200 to find out more or schedule your appointment.,
Life Matters Program
Life Matters is the name of our educational program designed to help you grow in every area of your life. This program is designed with your interests and needs in mind. Each class is approximately an hour in length and is taught by a qualified and caring volunteer in a one-on-one setting. The Life Matters courses earn you boutique bucks that you can spend on important material items such as diapers, wipes, clothing items, cribs, and car seats. In addition, each class completed earns you free items from our boutique. You also earn other awards along the way — complete Phase One for a certificate of completion, Phase Two for a new diaper bag packed full of supplies for you and your baby, and, when you graduate from the program, you receive a wonderful reward package containing items such as a hair cut for you and a photo session for your baby! Some of the topics covered in our Life Matters Program include the following:
Healthy Relationships
Here at LifePlan we believe in the power of community. Our Relationship classes include lessons in love, marriage, and dating. The materials and consultants offer support and insight on how to restructure and maintain healthy relationships to create a richer life.
Pregnancy Support and Prenatal Education
Our prenatal classes offer education on the development of you and your baby throughout the pregnancy. These classes are designed to offer support and guidance throughout pregnancy, and are perfect for those who have decided to parent, as well as those who have made an adoption plan for their child.
Parenting Classes
Peer Counseling
Personal/Family Budgeting
Raising a family is expensive. Our budgeting classes cover topics such as grocery shopping, paying rent, and buying a car. They offer practical guides on how to budget and get a head start on creating a financially stable life for you and your family.
Spiritual Guidance
LifePlan believes that having a relationship with God is the most important relationship you can have! Because of this, we offer several classes that work to increase your knowledge about the Bible and how to start or deepen a relationship with Jesus.
Health and Safety Classes
Nutrition Classes
We offer a “Food for Thought” class that includes four sessions. This class is designed to help you with meal planning, grocery shopping, and healthy food choices for you and your family. These classes provide resources to help you make mealtime an enjoyable experience. In addition, members of the “Food for Thought” class have the opportunity to earn a free bag of groceries! Call us today to register for the class
Labor & Delivery Class
Our Labor & Delivery Courses are highly individualized — YOU decide what topics you want to cover and how many classes you want to attend! These classes are designed to prepare you and your partner for the birth of your child and are perfect for first time parents as well as for those who have done this before. Call us today to schedule your Labor & Delivery Course!
Group Classes
Our group classes are designed to provide support through community. It is important for you to know that there are other women and families who are dealing with similar issues as you are. By taking our group classes, you will gain practical advice and build relationships that will encourage you during your pregnancy or parenting journey.
Baby & Me Class
Our Baby & Me Class is a fun, energetic class for babies and the special people in their lives! The class consists of songs, stories, and activities that are designed specifically to help you interact with your baby in a relaxed setting. This class is currently offered on Friday mornings at our Niles location.
Men’s Ministry
Pregnancy and parenting is not just about the woman! Men have a very important role – both as partners and as parents. Our Men’s Ministry is designed to help men embrace the important role they have as fathers, and to equip them to be strong fathers who lead with love and wisdom. Each class in our Men’s Ministry is taught by a qualified male volunteer. Read more about our Men’s Ministry below.
Men's Mentoring Program
Material Support
The Boutique
$5 – For Prenatal, Parenting, Life skills, Health, and Crisis intervention classes
$10 – For Spiritual and Relationship classes
Store credit can be saved up to help you purchase bigger items such as car seats, mattresses, or cribs, or it can be used to purchase smaller items such as diapers, wipes, and formula. Our boutique is one of the many ways we provide support to all who enter our center.
Post Abortion Support
Have you had an abortion in the past? We want you to know that there is healing and grace available in Jesus Christ! Our Post-abortion support is designed to help you deal with the emotional and physical challenges that result from abortion. We have consultants who come in especially for those seeking support after going through an abortion. You do not have to deal with this on your own. Call us today to set up appointment with one of our caring volunteers!
Adoption Referrals
While we do not facilitate adoptions at our center, we partner with quality adoption agencies and, should you choose an adoption plan for your child, we can connect you with an agency that will be the best fit for your situation. We are also available for support through every stage of the adoption process – we will walk through this journey with you. If you are considering adoption, or if you would like more information about adoption, please call us to schedule an appointment!
Privacy Policy
Please click the button below to view and download our Medical Privacy Policy.