Struggling with Pornography?
Many people struggle with pornography. Statistics tell us that 28,258 people are viewing pornography on the internet every second. 40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites, and approximately 200,000 Americans are addicted to porn. (See this link for more statistics).
Pornography is extremely damaging to the individual, the family, and the community. It undermines the value of human life and leaves its victims with a sense of emptiness and hopelessness. However, there IS hope for those who are caught in the clutches of pornography. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is stronger than the snare of pornography. There is grace and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
This page contains resources for those who are struggling with pornography, for those who know someone struggling with pornography, for parents, and for churches who want to reach out to their communities and speak the Gospel into this issue.
Want to Talk?
We are here for you! Please contact us to discuss any questions and concerns you have. We would love to speak to you!
Covenant Eyes (a site for internet accountability)
Pure Life Ministries (a ministry that offers resources for those who are struggling with pornography)
Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography (an article by Paul Maxwell)
How to Quit Porn: A Letter to Christian Men (by Luke Gilkerson)
Can You Repent Without Changing? (The Beginning of the End for Sexual Sin) (by Harry Schaumburg)
Why Do We Give In to Porn? (by Christopher Asmus)
Seven Promises to Pray Against Porn (by J.A. Medders)
Never Harmless, Never Private, Never Safe (Fighting Porn with Superior Pleasure) (by Marshall Segal)
Overcoming Pornography: Choosing Obedience (by Randy Alcorn)
Net Nanny (internet control software that protects your family from pornography, online predators, cyberbullies, and more)
Forcefield (parental control software that helps protect your child from pornography)
Covenant Eyes (A site for internet accountability)
Unplugging Pornography: Helping Your Teen Escape the Trap (by Jeffrey Dean)
A Letter to My Sons About Pornography (by Liz Wann)
Teens and Porn (Resources by Focus on the Family)
When Children View Pornography (Resources by Focus on the Family)
You Are Not Addicted: The Power to Resist Pornography (a sermon by John Piper)
You Can Say No to Porn (A Pleasure Greater Than Lust) (a sermon by John Piper)