269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org

Michigan Migrant Ministries

September 19, 2020

Find out more about Michigan Migrant Ministries by watching the above interview.

“You have value because you were made by God and in His image and because Jesus paid the price for you by dying on the cross for your sins. No matter what happens to you or what you do, you still have value. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Don’t you ever forget that! Now my friend, Nurse Kathy, is going to come and talk to you about the amazing way God made each one of you starting before you were even born!” These were the final words spoken by LifePlan Outreach Director, Cheri Gamble, before Kathy Wellin, LifePlan Nurse Director, would take the stage at the Michigan Migrant Ministries’ Camp located near Benton Harbor, MI. Cheri and Kathy were part of the LifePlan team that presented to the campers during four different weeks of camp.  

 The presentation would begin with a group activity highlighting the value of life. In this activity, campers were challenged to stand inside a hula hoop and perform tasks without leaving the hoop. “It’s hard to keep yourself completely in the hula hoop, isn’t it?” Cheri would laugh as the campers struggled to find ways to do a push-up without leaving the hula hoop. “Well, before you were born, you were in a space even smaller than that — yet you were able to move around. You kicked your feet, you sucked your thumb, you may have even done somersaults — all while in your mother’s womb! It’s amazing how God knits us all together in our mother’s womb — we are all fearfully and wonderfully made”. 

 When it was Kathy’s turn to take the stage, she would share more about life in the womb. “I have the best job,” she would say, “because I get to look at an ultrasound picture that shows me what a baby is doing in the mother’s womb. I know that this baby is alive because I can see it moving around and I can hear the heart beat!” Then she would share what is happening at different stages of development while Cheri would walk around with fetal models representing a baby in the womb at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, and 20 weeks. 


As Kathy finished her section, she would bring the focus back to the Gospel.  “Let me tell you about a very special baby who was in his mother’s womb, just like all of you were! His name is Jesus, and, when he was a baby, he had ten toes and ten fingers — just like you! But there was something very special about him and Cheri is going to come tell you the rest of the story.” 

The presentation concluded with a Gospel message and a prayer. “Always remember that you have value because Jesus died for you! He loves you and wants you to be his child,” Cheri would say before praying for the campers. Before leaving, Kathy and Cheri would give each of the campers a wristband with the words, “I am wonderfully made” and “Psalm 139:13-14” printed on the inside. 


The Michigan Migrant Ministries’ Camp presentation is one of the ways LifePlan is growing in the area of outreach. Please pray for more opportunities to speak the message of life to students throughout Michiana. If you would like more information about scheduling one of our team members to speak to your group, call us at 269-684-6200.