269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org

January 2021 Prayer Calendar for LifePlan

2020 was truly an interesting year. As we look back on it, however, we cannot help but see the hand of God on our ministry. Consider the following statistics:

  • 520 different people came to our Centers for pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, or classes 
  • 51 women received pregnancy tests and options counseling
  • 21 women saw their babies for the first time on an ultrasound
  • Over 500 families received emergency baby supplies during the initial COVID-19 shutdown 
  • When we had to close our in-person services for 3 months, we were able to still serve the community through emergency baby supplies and virtual classes!

Praise God for the way He has worked through LifePlan in a COVID-19 world!

We do not know what 2021 has in store for us, but we are ready and willing to go wherever God takes us. Thank you for partnering with us through prayer! 

Click on the button or picture below to download your prayer calendar for the month of January. Thank you for being part of the LifePlan Prayer Team!


Would you like to join our Prayer Team? As a member of our Prayer Team, you will receive a prayer calendar in your inbox every month as well as occasional emergency emails when we have situations that need immediate prayer (such as abortion-minded clients). If you would like to join the Prayer Team, please submit your email address below. Thank you!


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