Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will. It is a horrible crime, and it is happening everywhere.
Our mission at LifePlan is to spread the Gospel by serving and teaching families, churches, and communities to embrace God’s value for every human life – born and unborn. Human trafficking devalues the lives of everyone involved and, therefore, it is in our mission to speak into this issue. The Gospel is the answer to the issue of human trafficking, as it is only through the power and grace of Jesus Christ that victims and perpetrators can truly be set free.
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Shared Hope International (This Christian organization strives to prevent the conditions that foster human trafficking, restore victims, and bring justice)
Polaris Project (Named after the North Star that guided slaves to freedom in the U.S., Polaris systemically disrupts the human trafficking networks that rob human beings of their lives and their freedom.)
International Justice Mission (a global organization that protects the poor in the developing world through rescuing victims, bringing criminals to justice, restoring survivors, and strengthening justice systems.
Stop the Traffik (They work to unite people around the world by inspiring, informing, equipping and mobilizing communities to know what trafficking is, know how to identify it and how to respond, and to know how to protect themselves and others.)
This page has a list of resources including Bible studies and prayer guides. (from Faith Alliance Against Slavery)
This page has several toolkits you can download for free about the topic of human trafficking. Scroll down and find one for churches.
Online training on several topics related to human trafficking.
Sermon Aids on human trafficking from The Salvation Army.
Human Trafficking and Church Engagement (by Nazarene Compassionate Ministries)
Printable Fact Sheets from the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
A list of products that are Fair trade Certified.
By Tavi (The byTavi line features high-quality, boutique-style handbags and clothing made by a team of talented seamstresses in Cambodia. These handcrafted pieces offer women consistent employment and a living wage where poverty is widespread. Each product is stitched with the name of the seamstress who made it, making each purchase all the more meaningful.)
Rapha House (A Christian organization that seeks to end the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children through aftercare for survivors, prevention for the vulnerable, and awareness for all.)
Know the Facts
Although slavery is commonly thought to be a thing of the past, human trafficking still exists today throughout the United States and globally. Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. There are an estimated 21 million men, women, and children who are victims of labor and sex trafficking worldwide.