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From the Executive Director — June 2020


COVID-19 continues to impact the world in ways that we could never have imagined. As more and more states “open up” we all look forward to resuming our “new normal”. But as we dip our toes into a society that may look very different than a year ago, our country faces new tragedies with the deeply disturbing murder of George Floyd. Our hearts go out to his family, as well as those affected by riots and destruction across the nation. Having an African-American son-in-law myself, my heart is troubled about the sensitive and controversial race issues that we all must face. The answers won’t come quickly or easily; but here at LifePlan we are certain of one mighty truth that can address all the pain that we have in our lives — The Gospel. 

The Gospel gives us hope in the face of hopelessness. It assuages our fears concerning sickness and death. It heals us when justice seems far away. The Gospel of Jesus Christ pushes us to be more like Jesus in our thoughts and attitudes. It gives us direction that, many times, is counter-cultural. The Gospel gives us a true framework for justice and mercy. The Gospel values each and every life, from conception to death, and is not partial to any man, woman, or child of any race. The Gospel can bring peace to a nation at war. It brings healing to the hurting and the oppressed. The Gospel is our answer; Jesus Christ is a very real help in times of trouble. Voddie Baucham, a man that I had the privilege of getting to know through my prison ministry, said, “We are not seeing terrible things in our culture because we vote the wrong way. We are seeing terrible things in our culture because men love darkness rather than light.” How true that has been – from the beginning of time. But the Gospel is our answer to that as it shines light in this dark world. Our own Lord Jesus encourages us when he states, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33). 

LifePlan continues to be greatly blessed by your prayers and your financial support. We have distributed over 500 bags of diapers, wipes, and formula to a community that is experiencing hardship because of COVID. You are helping us to be a light in the community; a community where the Gospel is active and alive! Answers may not come easily to many of the circumstances that we have faced and will face in the future,  but we rest in the goodness of Christ and the true and everlasting message of living a hope-filled life. 

Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!

Lyndon Azcuna, Executive Director