Abortion: This page contains information about abortion for those who are considering abortion, for those who have had an abortion, for men who have been involved in abortion, and for churches who want to reach out to their communities and speak into this issue.
This page contains links to resources to educate you on adoption and to help you as you consider this option, as well as information for adoptive parents and churches.

Our mission at LifePlan is to spread the Gospel by serving and teaching families, churches, and communities to embrace God’s value for every human life – born and unborn. Human trafficking devalues the lives of everyone involved and, therefore, it is in our mission to speak into this issue.

Many people struggle with pornography. Statistics tell us that 28,258 people are viewing pornography on the internet every second. 40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites, and approximately 200,000 Americans are addicted to porn.

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