Baby & Me Classes to Start in September

A very special class will be starting this September at the Pregnancy Care Center in Niles. The “Baby & Me” class is designed for babies and the special people in their lives and will be held on Fridays at 11:00 am. This class is perfect for babies age 6 months-2 years and will feature age appropriate activities that encourage participation and communication between babies and their caregivers.
PCC consultant Willette Fleischman will be leading the class. Willette has her MA in counseling from Bethel College and served as a School Guidance Counselor for 11 years. She loves working with babies and the special people in their lives, and has been teaching this class for nearly 40 years.
“I saw this done with babies and thought it was so wonderful and interactive, so I bought all the curriculum and started doing it myself,” says Willette, “When I first started, people said that you couldn’t teach babies. Well, I brought a bunch of babies up front in church and people were astounded when they responded! Babies always respond — it’s amazing to me how they always respond!”
Willette is excited to offer this program through the Pregnancy Care Center — not only for the babies, but also for the caregivers. This class will allow caregivers to gather ideas for how to interact at home, as well as encouragement and hands-on training from both Willette and the others in the class. Says Willette, “There will be a free play time which will allow parents to network with me and with each other and to discuss issues and concerns that they may have as well.”
Everything in the class is centered around the Bible and involves all the senses. Babies will learn to “pat the Bible” and will explore the wonders of creation. “When we talk about the sun, babies will get to hold a soft yellow stuffed sun, and when we talk about night and day, we will use a flashlight that goes on and off. The babies always love when we talk about animals because they all get a stuffed animal to hold and we get to make animal sounds,” Willette explains.
Each Baby & Me session consists of a 6 week series with a graduation party on week 7, and, while it is being offered at the PCC, you do not have to be a PCC client to attend. Class size is limited, however, so registration is required. Fall classes will begin on Friday, September 7, 2018.
You can register for the class by calling the PCC at 269-684-6200, or submitting the registration form below.