269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org

April is Abortion Recovery Month

Have you had an abortion? Find healing and hope in Jesus Christ!



April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month. The two primary goals of this month are to encourage and extend healing to those hurting from abortion and to enlighten society on the effects of abortion on individuals and families.


We at the Pregnancy Care Center are committed to helping women and men find healing and restoration after abortion, and we understand that total healing is only possible through Jesus Christ.


According to Randy Alcorn, “It is a mistake to try to eliminate feelings of guilt without dealing with the root cause of guilt . . . You need a permanent solution to your guilt problem, a solution based on reality, not on denial or pretense”.


Alcorn continues by sharing five truths to keep in mind when dealing with a past abortion. They are as follows:


  • Because of Christ’s death on our behalf, forgiveness is available to all
  • The Bible is full of offers of forgiveness for every sin
  • Forgiveness is a gift that must be received to take effect
  • Because of forgiveness, we need not dwell any longer on our past sins
  • Forgiveness for the past should be followed by right choices in the present


See his whole article here.


If you or someone you know has had an abortion, please seek out help!


Call us today to find out more about abortion recovery and to receive the support you need to start on the path to healing.