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An Important Message for Sanctity of Human Life Month - January 2018

January is Sanctity of Human Life Month. Lyndon Azcuna, executive director of the Pregnancy Care Center in Niles, MI, has an important message and challenge for the Church of Jesus Christ.


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Abortion. Pornography. Sexual Assault. Human Trafficking. Racism.

The cultural issues we are dealing with in our society and the world today are overwhelming. Consider these statistics:

  • over 40 million abortions occur worldwide every year
  •  an estimated 24 million people are trapped in slavery and human trafficking worldwide
  • over 300,000 people are victims of sexual assault each year in the United States alone
  •  and 28, 000 people are viewing pornography on the internet every second.

These statistics show no boundaries. They affect people from every economic class, political party, and church affiliation, and their impact can be felt in our communities, our churches, and our families.


But there is a remedy!

The solution to the sickness plaguing our society is the

Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Gospel tells us that every life is valuable . . . every life is worth saving.

And as the Church of Jesus Christ,  we must fight for life . . . for EVERY life!

We must continue fighting for the life of the baby in the womb, but at the same time, we must fight for the life of the woman who has had an abortion to show her that there is forgiveness, grace and transformation in Jesus Christ.

We must fight for the purity of our children, but at the same time, we must fight for the lives of those involved in immorality. We must show them that there is forgiveness, grace, and transformation in Jesus Christ.

We must take this message of forgiveness and grace to our families, to our communities, and to our nation.

On this Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, take time to recognize the value of EVERY human life.


 Together, we can change these stats . . . one life at a time.