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Considering Adoption?
Making an adoption plan for your baby may or may not be something you have considered, but it is one of the options you have. An adoption plan is a courageous and selfless choice that is not arrived at easily. If you are considering adoption, you need to know that this is a choice that will show your child that you loved him enough to give him a future that you did not feel able to provide at the time. Many people who have been adopted experience gratitude towards their birth parents for choosing life for them. If you are considering adoption, we would love to talk to you about your options. While we are not an adoption agency, we can help facilitate the process with you. We can also share information with you and connect you with strong, caring organizations that can help you . . . . and we will be here to support you on every step of your adoption journey.
This page contains links to resources to educate you on adoption and to help you as you consider this option, as well as information for adoptive parents and churches.
Adoption Basics for Birth Mothers (great information and a video explaining the process from Adoption Network)
“You are not ‘Giving Up’ by Choosing Adoption” (article by American Adoptions)
American Adoptions Website (lots of great information about adoption and the adoption process)
Know Your Options (from New Beginnings, an organization that works with birth parents)
Birth Mom Buds (a web-based organization that provides faith based peer counseling, support, encouragement, and friendship to birth moms as well as pregnant women considering adoption)
Bravelove (A pro-adoption movement dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth moms for their brave decision,)
“How to Adopt a Baby” (lots of information plus a free packet you can request from Adoption Network Law Center)
“Talking to Your Child About His or Her Birth Parents” (by American Adoptions)
American Adoptions (a website with information for everyone involved in adoption)
Adoption in Michigan (information and resources about adoption in Michigan)
“How Churches Can Create a Culture of Adoption” (an article by Russell Moore)
Information and Resources for Church Groups who want to Start an Adoption Ministry (put together by Focus on the Family)
Church Adoption Ministry Manual (a guide for church leaders about starting and growing an adoption support ministry)
Making Foster Care and Adoption “Normal” in Your Church (an article by Jason Johnson)