Considering Abortion?
It is perfectly normal to find yourself in a position where you would be considering abortion. Many women have been in the same position that you find yourself in right now. The decision to have an abortion is not one to be made lightly. We want to make sure you have all the facts before you make this decision. The best way to get all the facts is to schedule an appointment and talk with someone who cares about you as a person and wants to help you make the best choice. Please call us today to schedule an appointment! (269) 684-6200.
This page contains information about abortion for those who are considering abortion, for those who have had an abortion, for men who have been involved in abortion, and for churches who want to reach out to their communities and speak into this issue.
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Vital Information for those Considering Abortion:
Ramah International
Learn the Different Types of Abortion and Your Options:
Pregnancy Resource Center
“To a Woman Considering Abortion” by Jackie Hill Perry:
Desiring God
A great resource that includes information about each of the different abortion techniques and answers questions about the safety of abortion:
National Right to Life
Descriptions of Immediate Abortion Risks:
Ramah International
Ramah International
Hope, Health and Healing in Abortion’s Aftermath:
Hope After Abortion
Abortion PTSD Symptoms:
Ramah International
Post-Abortive Questions and Answers from Sydna Masse’ Ramah’s Founder:
Ramah International
“Finding Forgiveness After an Abortion” by Randy Alcorn:
Eternal Prospective Ministries
Helping the Women in Your Life Navigate an Unplanned Pregnancy:
Ramah International
Reclaiming Fatherhood – Men & Abortion Network:
Men and Abortion
‘Five Ways Abortion Negatively Impacts Men’ by Warren Williams:
Preaching on Abortion – Breaking through the fear and silence that surrounds abortion in our pulpits:
Christianity Today
‘Pastors, You Must Speak Up: One in 5 U.S. Abortions Are Performed on Women Identifying as Evangelical Christians’ by Randy Alcorn:
Eternal Perspective Ministries
Abortion and the Gospel – Includes Ideas for how to Approach this in Your Church:
Russell Moore
A Timeline of Abortion History:
National Right to Life
Downloadable Fact Sheets – Contains Information on Abortion Statistics, Abortion Techniques, Abortion and Minorities, Teens and Abortion, and Several other Abortion Related Topics:
National Right to Life
Free Resources – Online Courses, EBooks, Devotionals, Cutting-Edge Research, Audio/Video, Pledges:
‘Abortion in the Bible and Church History’ by Randy Alcorn:
Eternal Persepctive Ministries
Articles and Resources on Different Pro-Life Issues:
Life Training Institute
Desiring God
‘The Plundering of Your Property and the Power of Hope’ – A Sermon by John Piper:
Desiring God
They Poured Out Innocent Blood – A Sermon by John Piper
Desiring God
Abortion – A Free Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul:
Ligonier Ministries
‘A Bible Lesson for Teens on the Value of Human Life’ by Cheri Gamble:
Cheri Gamble
‘A Bible Lesson for Young Children on the Value of Human Life’ by Cheri Gamble:
Cheri Gamble
Know the Facts
Knowing the facts is critical to the pregnancy decision. This video from Care-Net will give you valuable information to consider before making your decision.
Please watch this video and know your options.