269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org

10 Reasons to Attend Our Annual Banquet

Our annual banquet is coming up on October 17 at Harvest Bible Chapel in Granger, Indiana. This is going to be a great evening, and we hope you will join us! While there are several reasons we think you should attend the annual banquet, here are 10 of our favorites.

10. Everyone could use an evening out!

Everyone could use an evening out – and what better way to spend that evening than at a banquet to support a great ministry!

9. You won’t have to cook dinner!

The food at this banquet is being catered by Caitlan’s Catering, and it is going to be delicious! The best part, of course, is that you don’t have to prepare it yourself!

8. You will get a chance to socialize with people who share your passion for the pro-life cause.

It’s a battleground out there – enjoy an evening surrounded by people who will support and encourage you as you stand for life.

7. You will hear an inspiring message from Andrea Griffith.

Andrea has a unique story of God’s amazing grace at work in her life. When you come to the banquet, you will be encouraged and challenged by the message God has given her to share.

6. You will have an opportunity to meet and interact with several of our regular volunteers.

Volunteers are vital to our ministry. Every day, our ministry is carried out by volunteers who love Jesus, love the clients, and especially love sharing Jesus with the clients! Several of these volunteers will be at the banquet – giving you a chance to meet them and hear their stories!

5. You will have an opportunity to meet a few of our clients and their precious babies.

Some of our current clients will be at this banquet. If you attend, you will have an opportunity to interact with them and to see first-hand the impact the PCC is having in their lives.

4. You will have an opportunity to hear the heartbeat of the ministry as presented by our Executive Director.

You will not want to miss this year’s Executive Director’s report as he shares the heartbeat of the ministry and the exciting direction God has been leading us!

3. Attending this banquet is a great way to support the pro-life cause in your community.

The PCC is a Gospel-Centered pro-life ministry. We exist to spread the Gospel by serving and teaching families, churches, and communities to embrace God’s value for human life, born and unborn. Attend the banquet to find out how you can join us in our mission!

 2. Attending this banquet could help you develop a greater passion for serving your community.

Do you have a heart for your community? Are you looking for ways to impact those around you for Jesus? Join us on October 17 to discover ways that you can partner with our ministry to reach your community for Christ!

1. John 4:10: “If you knew the gift of God . . . you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

The GIFT of Jesus Christ is the only solution to the problems in the world today. This is the gift that we share with our clients, and we would love to have you join us in bringing this gift to Michiana.

Please join us on October 17!