269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org

 A Response to Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report

March 3, 2020


Planned Parenthood recently released its annual report for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. According to this report, Planned Parenthood performed 345,672 abortions in 2018 — a 4% increase from the year before. This is the highest reported number since 1991.  
Looking at the abortion numbers can be discouraging. However, at LifePlan, we like to focus on the numbers that are not on this report  —  numbers that represent lives that have been saved. 
Lives like Kylie’s and Madeline’s 
Kylie came to us a week before her scheduled abortion. When we found out that Kylie was planning on having an abortion, we began to pray and we asked our prayer warriors to pray as well. God answered our prayers — Kylie chose life, and her baby was born this past December! That is one life that is not represented by the Planned Parenthood Report. 
Madeline came to us with a friend. The friend was taking Madeline to pick up a prescription and, when she found out that the prescription was for the abortion pill, she brought her to our Benton Harbor office instead. Again we prayed, our prayer warriors prayed, and God answered our prayers. Madeline has chosen life for her baby — another life not represented by the Planned Parenthood Report. 
We are thankful for these lives that have been saved and we will continue to fight for life, but we need your help. The same Planned Parenthood Report referenced above showed that, while individual donor giving to Planned Parenthood decreased significantly in 2018, taxpayer funded giving increased nine percent! In 2018, Planned Parenthood received $616.8 million in taxpayer dollars. Consider that as you file your taxes this year, and then consider how you can use your tax refund to fight against this and make a difference for life! 

If you receive a refund this year, please prayerfully consider donating a portion of it to LifePlan to help us continue fighting this battle for life. Your donation will help us as we offer support to women like Kylie and Madeline, as well as to the many other clients that come through our doors each year. 

Together, we can win this battle for life – one life at a time through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your support.