269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org
The Pregnancy Care Center in Niles is a Gospel-centered, pro-life ministry. As such, everything we do needs to be covered in prayer. Praying for us is the single most important thing you could do to support our ministry.

Our annual banquet is 30 days away . . . imagine what could happen that night (and in the year to come) if we all took these next 30 days to pray specifically for the ministry of the PCC and our impact in the community!

Will you join us in prayer? Here is a list of 30 specific ways you can pray for our ministry – one request a day for the next 30 days.


Day One

Pray today for the executive board of the PCC. Pray for them to have wisdom as they make decisions about the ministry. Pray for their families, for their churches, and for their jobs. Pray that they will be encouraged as they are a light for Jesus in the community!

Day Two

Pray today for the staff of the PCC. Pray for the staff to be able to complete their tasks efficiently and with excellence. Pray for their families and their churches. Pray that God will strengthen them and guide them as they serve Him.

Day Three

Pray today for the volunteer receptionists who come in on a regular basis to help in the office. Pray for them as they answer the phone, greet clients, and schedule appointments. Pray for them to have wisdom when faced with difficult phone calls. Pray for them to be given the exact words to say in every situation they encounter.

Day Four

Pray today for the volunteer consultants who meet with clients on a regular basis. Pray for them as they speak life into each of the clients they see. Pray for opportunities for them to share the gospel with their clients, and for the relationships they form to be strong and genuine. Spend time thanking God for the commitment they have to the PCC and to the clients they serve.

Day Five

Pray today for our medical team. Pray for them as they interact with the clients who come in for Pregnancy Tests and ultrasounds. Pray for amazing opportunities to share the Gospel and the love and grace of Jesus with each client they see.

Day Six

Pray today for our clients. Pray for them to experience the love and grace of Jesus in their every day lives. Pray for those who have difficult decisions and situations they must face. Pray for them to live Hope-filled lives, centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Day Seven

Pray today for the volunteers who come in and work in our boutique. Spend time thanking God for the work that they do and for the commitment they have to serve in this way.

Day Eight

Pray today for the churches who support the PCC. Pray for these churches to have an amazing impact in the community as they spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their neighborhoods!

Day Nine

Pray today, asking God to raise up more volunteers for the PCC. Ask Him to provide strong consultants, receptionists, and medical personnel who have a passion for life and for sharing the gospel. Thank Him in advance for what He is going to do through these volunteers!

Day Ten

Pray today for the donors who financially support the ministry of the PCC. Spend time thanking God for their commitment to the ministry. Ask God to provide for their needs and to show them how He is using their financial resources for the Kingdom.

Day Eleven

Pray today for the financial needs of the PCC. Spend time thanking God for how He has always provided for the needs of the PCC in the past and thank Him for how He is going to provide in the future. Ask Him to provide the resources and donors needed to grow the ministry and its impact even more.

Day Twelve

Pray today for those ladies who come into the PCC for a Pregnancy Test. Pray for them as they find out the results of the test and pray that they will choose life for their babies. Pray for them to continue coming to the PCC for support throughout their pregnancies and pray that they will grow in their relationship with Jesus as a result of their time at the PCC.

Day Thirteen

Pray today for those ladies in the community who have had abortions. Pray for them to get the help they need to deal with the emotional and physical pain that results. Ask God to help them experience His grace and forgiveness!

Day Fourteen

Pray today for the teenagers in the community. Pray for the PCC to be able to reach them with the message of purity through Jesus Christ. Ask God to open avenues of ministry in this area and to work in incredible ways in the lives of the teens in the community!

Day Fifteen

Pray today for the future of the PCC. Pray for God to increase the ministry and impact of the PCC and for His direction every step of the way. Pray for partnerships that glorify Him and help expand the kingdom.

Day Sixteen

Pray today for the businesses in the community who support the PCC. Spend time thanking God for their financial contributions to the ministry. Ask God to bring His growth and blessings on their businesses.

Day Seventeen

Pray today for the material resources of the PCC. Ask God to provide the needed diapers, wipes, and other items for the clients. Thank Him for how He has always kept the boutique stocked, and thank Him for the many people who donate items to this boutique. Ask God to use the boutique to help spread His love in the community.

Day Eighteen

Pray today for the men’s ministry at the PCC. Spend time thanking Him for the male consultants. Ask God to bring men to the PCC, and to raise up godly fathers who take leadership in their homes and in the community.

Day Nineteen

Pray today for the doctor who oversees our medical services. Spend time thanking God for her commitment to life and to our ministry. Ask God to help her in her individual practice and in the work she does for the PCC.

Day Twenty

Pray today for our culture and for God’s value for human life to be proclaimed and embraced in all areas. Ask God to use the PCC to help proclaim that value and to show people that every life matters.

Day Twenty-one

Pray today for our online presence. Ask God to use our website and social media accounts to reach people for Him. Ask God to increase our reach and expand our impact through social media.

Day Twenty-two

Pray today for all the events that the PCC organizes. Pray for the Hero Run, Life Walk, Golf Outing, Baby Cakes, and Annual Banquet. Ask God to increase the impact of each of these events and to use these events to share the ministry of the PCC with as many people as possible. Pray for the funds raised at these events to be used to carry out our mission in incredible ways.

Day Twenty-three

Pray today for all those who work in the abortion industry. Pray for God to change hearts and to lead people out of this industry and into His arms. Ask God to close abortion clinics and to bring abortion-minded women to the PCC, where they can experience God’s love and grace.

Day Twenty-four

Pray today for true transformation to occur in everyone involved with the PCC. Pray for clients, volunteers, staff, donors, board members, and churches to be truly transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the PCC to be instrumental in bringing about true and lasting change in the lives of all who enter our doors!

Day Twenty-five

Pray for the curriculum that is used at the PCC. Pray for each class to speak to the needs of the clients and to lead to deeper conversations and Gospel focus.

Day Twenty-six

Pray for our extra classes – for our Nutrition classes and Labor and Delivery Classes. Pray for the volunteers who lead these classes and for the clients who attend. Pray for opportunities to share God’s love through each of these classes.

Day Twenty-seven

Pray today for the clients who have experienced miscarriages. Pray for healing and peace. Ask God to help them lean on Him and get their strength from Him.

Day Twenty-eight

Pray today for the building itself. Pray for God’s protection over the building and for things to keep working and to keep working well! Ask God to make the building a light in the community and a symbol of His grace!

Day Twenty-nine

Pray today for growth in all areas of the PCC. Pray for an increase in clients, donors, volunteers, and impact! Ask God to do amazing things through the PCC in the coming year – things that we can’t even begin to imagine! Thank Him in advance for all He is going to do through the PCC!

Day Thirty

Spend today praising and thanking God for the way He has been and is going to be glorified through the ministry of the PCC! Thank you, God, for all you have done, are doing, and will continue to do through this Gospel-centered, pro-life ministry!


