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28 Years of Service at LifePlan!

September 27, 2020


In August, Bob and Sue Chute turned in their keys and stepped down as LifePlan volunteers, a title that Sue has held for twenty-eight years. 

Sue first came to LifePlan in 1992 after her sister-in-law encouraged her to join the Ministry Team.  “Kathy explained to me that the Pregnancy Care Center was in need of volunteers and that since it was a worthy cause, perhaps I would be interested,” Sue explains. Sue agreed to try it out and she never looked back. 

When she first started, she was a volunteer consultant, providing support and encouragement to young women facing unplanned pregnancies. Then, after the death of her husband in 1996, she transitioned into washing and mending all donated clothing. Says Sue, “I was able to continuing doing the laundry through several job changes and life situations. After twenty-eight years of dirty laundry, it appears there is still a need!” Bob joined Sue in 2014 after the two of them were married and he was promptly recruited by his new wife. 

After 28 years of ministry, one night stands out in Sue’s memory. “I specifically remember one night when I was a consultant. We were closing up on a cold December evening in 1995,” Sue shares, “It had been snowing all afternoon and we were concerned about the slippery roads. We had just finished praying for the young ladies we had ministered to that evening and asking for safe travels home when the door opened. There stood a visibly pregnant young lady carrying a toddler. She was wearing a ragged jean jacket and the toddler was wrapped in an oversized sweatshirt and a thin blanket. She told us they were sleeping in a car and they had nowhere else to go. We fed them snacks and some homemade veggie soup that we had on hand. While they ate, we talked about how God wanted to come into their lives and we asked them if we could pray with them. They nodded. We all held hands as we asked God to come into their heart and give them healing. Then we scurried around finding warm clothing for all of them to wear, a tiny stuffed bear for the toddler and $20 of our own money. I never saw them again, but I will never forget the tender feel of that little child’s hand in mine as we prayed together. Our God is an awesome God! I pray that that one act of kindness started her down the right path.” 


We all have talents that can be shared. As God’s chosen people, we are called to a life that is worthy of the Lord. There are several opportunities at LifePlan that could fit your ability, schedule, and desire. 

Sue Chute

LifePlan Volunteer for 28 Years


When asked what she would tell people about volunteering at LifePlan, Sue says, “We all have talents that can be shared. As God’s chosen people, we are called to a life that is worthy of the Lord. There are several opportunities at LifePlan that could fit your ability, schedule, and desire.” 

If you are interested in using your talents to serve Jesus at LifePlan, contact us today!