269-684-6200 info@lifeplan.org

This morning, several of our volunteers and staff went to see Sound of Freedom, a movie that raises awareness about the issue of human trafficking, a very real issue that occurs everywhere, not just overseas. Many people who watch the movie wonder what can be done to help – and if there is anything they themselves can do. The answer to that question can be complicated. Human trafficking is a dangerous industry and interacting directly with traffickers and victims should be done only by professionals who are trained in this area. However, that does not mean that ordinary citizens are powerless to help. On the contrary, anyone can make a difference in the fight against human trafficking – even you! Here are 10 practical ways you can get involved today, right where you live, to help end human trafficking. 

  1. Pray. Pray regularly for those who are on the front lines in the fight against trafficking, pray for freedom for those who are enslaved, pray for salvation for the buyers and sellers, and pray for people everywhere to stand up against trafficking. 
  2. Have a Zero-tolerance policy towards pornography. The demand for pornography fuels the human trafficking industry. The truth is, there is NO WAY to know if the person participating in pornography is a victim of human trafficking, which means any time someone views pornography they could be supporting human trafficking. Help raise awareness about the dangers of pornography and speak against pornography at every opportunity. If you currently view pornography, stop, even if it means you have to seek out additional help. 
  3. Stay alert. Look for signs that trafficking could be happening around you and report anything suspicious to the proper authorities. Do not attempt to interact with a suspected trafficker or victim as this is a dangerous industry and only trained professionals should intervene. Call the police or the trafficking hotline at 888-373-7888. 
  4. Shop Fair Trade. Buy products from organizations that do not employ slave labor. Make a statement against trafficking through the products you purchase. 
  5. Support organizations that are fighting trafficking. There are some great organizations out there, but two we recommend are Shared Hope International and International Justice Mission. 
  6. Demand justice and accountability.  Speak out against human trafficking and insist that every person be held to the same standard when it comes to involvement with trafficking. Refuse to support people or organizations who protect traffickers or deny the seriousness of trafficking. 
  7. Get involved with your local human trafficking taskforce. Many communities have taskforces established to help raise awareness of the issue of trafficking. Contact your local organization and find out how you can get involved.  Find the southwest Michigan task force here. 
  8. Invite a speaker to share about human trafficking to one of your groups. You can find speakers by contacting your local taskforce or one of the organizations mentioned above. You can also contact LifePlan about scheduling one of their speakers trained in this area. 
  9. Use your social media accounts to help raise awareness about human trafficking. Share articles, infographics, and other information that can help raise awareness of the issue among your friends and followers. You can start by sharing this article! 
  10. Refuse to objectify or exploit anyone period. All people are created in the image of God and have incredible value – make sure everything you do and say conveys that fact.  
  11. AND A BONUS SUGGESTION: GO watch Sound of Freedom while it is in theaters! Bring along a friend and help spread awareness of this issue!

    Can you think of other ways that ordinary citizens can help end human trafficking? Feel free to share them in the comments!